
Turgo hydro turbine for hydropower project

4.50 2 Reviews

Turgo Hydro turbine suited for water heads from 50m-250m, between Francis turbine and Pelton Turbine.while the project capacity below 1MW,water head from 60m-200m,  the best economical choice is Turgo turbine.

Turgo Hydro turbine suited for water heads from 50m-250m, between Francis turbine and Pelton Turbine.turgo hydro turbine

Turgo hydro turbine is an impulsive water turbine, it is a variant of Pelton turbine, the main difference between a Pelton turbine and a Turgo turbine is that Turgo turbines use single bucket instead of double bucket on the wheel, and these buckets are more shallow, looks like the pelton runner splits in half. the direction of the water jet is an angle of 22.5° is formed between the center line of the nozzle jet and the rotational plane of the runner.

Turgo hydro turbine runnerSince the Turgo turbine runners  are smaller and faster speed than pelton turbine, so the Turgo turbine is more economical than Pelton turbine. so while the project capacity below 1MW,water head from 60m-200m,  the best economical choice is Turgo turbine, the disadvantage is the efficiency is lower than pelton turbine, most Turgo turbine efficiency is 80%-87%.



  • Turgo turbine raw material use stainless steel 0Cr13Ni4Mo,
  • the runner blades have reinforced hoops around, it is  stronger to bear impact.
  • Have simple construction, easy for erection and installation, reliable operation, simple maintenance and low cost.
  • For high water head and low discharge hydropower project

turgo hydro turbine power station

Reference layout drawing oF Turgo turbine:

  1. structure drawing of Turgo turbine

